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Hydrogen Pinch Made Easy


Hydrogen Pinch Made Easy


Files you can download:

  1. Original Excel spreadsheet bmp
  2. Example 1 Excel spreadsheet
  3. Example 1 with a PSA Excel spreadsheet
  4. Example 1 with a Gas Membrane Excel spreadsheet
  5. Example 2 Excel spreadsheet

Links for Figures 7,8,9,11, and 13: (Click)

  1. Figure 7 BMP file or JPG file
  2. Figure 8 BMP file or JPG file
  3. Figure 9 BMP file or JPG file
  4. Figure 11 BMP file or JPG file
  5. Figure 13 BMP file or JPG file


Chemical Engineering article "Hydrogen Pinch Made Easy" Figures 7,8,9,11, and 13:

Chemical Engineering article Figure 7
Figure 7: Initial Spread Sheet for Example 2.

Chemical Engineering article Figure 8
Figure 8: Initial results for a multiple-pinch network, Example 2,

before re-ordering the flow-interval numbers in column I.


Figure 9: Pinched spreadsheet for Example 2 after re-ordering the flow-interval numbers in column I of Figure 8.

Figure 11: Gas membrane purifier added to Example 1- Initial spreadsheet.

Figure 13: Pinched data for the gas membrane purifier added to Example 1..